Upon deciding we were going to build our own off-grid home, the question that immediately followed was “Where will we live while we’re building our home?” We thought about our different options including living in an apartment, living in a travel trailer, and weighed the pros and cons of each. Ultimately, we decided to buy an RV.
We’ve put together an 11-minute video explaining why we chose to go with a travel trailer vs. renting an apartment. We will also show you what the trailer looks like and how we found it. If you are not a video person, that’s fine, just continue reading the post!
Quick Navigation
Where to Live While Building a House: Why We Chose a Travel Trailer
Living in a Travel Trailer on Your Own Land?
Costs of Travel Trailer
Finding a Travel Trailer to Buy
Moving Into Travel Trailer
One Year Update: How Is It Going?
Books on Travel Trailer Living
Where to Live While Building a House: Why We Chose a RV
Since there is a bit of work to be done on the land before we are even able to put up some type of temporary dwelling, we realized that we needed a comfortable place to live the meantime. Even though it wouldn’t be sexy, we really wanted to live on our land for multiple reasons such as:
- Wanted to live rent-free: As we will already have a land payment, we didn’t wish to spend more money on renting an apartment when we would never recover the costs. If we spent $500/month for six months, that would be $3,000 down the drain, never to be seen again. As we are investors, we wanted to find a more sustainable solution.
- Wanted to live on our land: While living in a nice apartment would provide a lot of luxuries such as unlimited water, air conditioning, heat, endless electricity, internet, etc. we really wanted to live on our land because that would give us more time to observe before making any building decisions.
- Didn’t want to deal with renting: One of the reasons we even want our own land is because we don’t want to live by someone else’s rules. While renting rules exist for a reason (and good reason, at that), we didn’t want to give 30 days notice prior to move out, didn’t want to pay move-in deposits, etc.
- We didn’t know how smooth the transition would go: As there are a lot of moving parts to transitioning to our land in Idaho, we didn’t know how smooth things would go. We figured that if we had a truck and a trailer we were fairly self-sustainable and mobile. If we needed to camp we could, if we needed to crash on family’s land for a couple weeks we could, where renting an apartment wouldn’t give us much freedom.
- Our basic needs would be met: Living in a trailer, our basic needs would be met. We would have water for showering and cooking, electricity (although we will need a generator but in the future we will get set up with solar power), the ability to use an indoor bathroom, a place to cook, and protection from the elements. Although it would be cramped, our basic needs would be met.
- A quick solution: While we looked at going straight to a temporary dwelling such as a yurt or even building a small apartment, this would take time and we really just need to get to our land with a roof over our heads, then we can plan something more long-term while we build our house.
Living in a Travel Trailer on Your Own Land: Is It Illegal?
Is living in a travel trailer on your own land allowed? This is a huge question that’s being raised right now and I think the answer is “it depends”. Rather, I’m not sure if it’s illegal or not, but there are certainly CC&Rs for various neighborhoods and lots, even within certain city limits or counties, where you’re not allowed to have a trailer on your land or live in it permanently, especially as your primary dwelling.
I think the best advice I could give on this one is before you consider this an option of living, be sure that it’s okay for the lot of interest in the city and county of interest. For us, it’s perfectly legal and against no code of any sort to live in a trailer on our land. We bought land where we did for this reason – because we could live in what we wanted how we wanted.
The Financial Ramifications of Living in a Travel Trailer
Another reason we chose to go with a travel trailer is that it makes a lot of sense financially. While we would never get back the money we would spend renting an apartment for 6 months or so, we could recover our investment on a RV.
The RV we ended up buying was $2,500. This is equivalent to about 5-months of rent. However, there is a high likelihood that we can sell it again for what we bought it for, if not substantially more. Essentially, this means we will be living rent-free on our property and we will only have our land payment to deal with.

How We Found Our Travel Trailer
We started our search on Craigslist (this is how we find many great things for low prices!). We searched for a week or so to look at the different options and weren’t impressed with what we found.
In the $1,500 – $5,000 range, we didn’t find any real gems. While we are practicing living with less, these trailers just weren’t up to par with our standards. Many of them were extremely old, laid out poorly, looked like they were falling apart, had atrocious interior design, looked dingy, and we weren’t stoked about living in any of them.
There were nicer trailers in the $5,000 to $10,000 range but that just seemed like an ungodly amount of money to spend on a trailer we were going to live in for 6 months. If we had to spend that much money just to find a suitable trailer, we would rather rent an apartment!
Just as we were giving up on the idea of living in a RV, Jesse did one final search and found a trailer just 3o miles north of us. It was posted just a couple hours prior to him finding it. We dropped what we were doing to go look at it immediately as we know things of quality at a good price on Craigslist go fast!
This trailer was perfect for our needs. It is a 2006 Fun Finder, only 19′ long, but is laid out in a way that makes it feel spacious. It is extremely modern-looking on the inside which makes us both extremely happy… it makes us feel like we are living in a small apartment rather than in a travel trailer. Best of all, it was right in our price range at $2,500.
The trailer has some dry rot on the front but it isn’t noticeable from the inside of the trailer and we plan to immediately build a roof or enclosure for the trailer so that it doesn’t get wet. We will obviously have a short time frame to get this done as fall and winter is quickly approaching, but that’s okay.
Here are some pictures pre-move in. I hope we can maintain the clean look with all of our stuff!

What’s Next: Packing and Moving
At the time of writing this blog post, we should be closing on the land within the next day or two… and then we hit the road to our property. Our closing documents have been sent overnight to us. We plan to get out of dodge within the next week or so but still have a lot of loose ends to tie up such as selling our furniture, selling Jesse’s business (kinda a big deal… we’ve been running around like crazy trying to get things in order!), donating belongings, and packing up whatever is going with us.
We will do another post and tour of our trailer post-move in to show you what we’ve done to keep it clean, tidy and minimal. Things are halfway packed, and it still looks amazingly awesome on the inside!
We sold our bed so we’ve already been sleeping in the trailer and I’m happy to report that it is extremely comfortable, although a little to warm to spend time in during the day as we have 90+ degree temperatures right now.
One Year Update: How Is It Going?
Well, we’ve officially passed the one year mark of living in our travel trailer! To read a short update of how things are going including pros and cons, and overall how travel trailer living is working for us, click one of the buttons below!
Books on Living in a Travel Trailer
If you stumbled upon this page because you’re thinking of living in an rv or travel trailer full-time, then it’s likely you’re trying to get all of the information you can to decide whether or not this is something you want to do!
Here’s some books that look like excellent reading material if you’re considering living in a travel trailer.
RV Living: Call Me Gypsy- CherryTree RV living Guide and Hacks

Trailersteading: How to Find, Buy, Retrofit, and Live Large in a Mobile Home

Complete Guide to Full-Time RVing: Life on the Open Road

Join the conversation!
What are your thoughts on living in a travel trailer? We’ve noticed that the idea has a very negative stigma. While everyone sees trailers and RVs as luxurious for camping compared to a tent, as soon as the idea of living fulltime in a camping trailer comes up (even when the living situation is temporary), many folks get uncomfortable and think of it as what poor people do. Or they think of the idea as being way too hippie for their likings.
We understand why people feel this way, on the other hand it like anything else can be used as a stepping stone to achieve greater things. In any case, there’s no going back now! We’re going to give it our best effort.
Talco Electronics | RV Solar Panels & Kits | www.talcoelectronics.com
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Awesome! Congrats on the closing and hope the move goes well, excited to keep reading ๐
Thanks Lucas! Well, supposedly we should get our closing documents tomorrow so here’s hoping!
All closed up?
Yes, just closed yesterday!
*HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE* (belated of course, been too busy to dance…)
I am so happy for you guys…we are both in our late 40s and we have a daughter in university,and we are ready to move into our self sufficient off the grid cottage in a little town(Campbellton) on the salt water in Newfoundland(Canada).We both have very stressful jobs that have taken its toll on us and are ready to throw in the towels…..we have a sailboat that we enjoy and we love living simple…..we are enjoying your blog and look forward to living the life off our ancestors….stress free…we look forward to all you can offer us in living the great life that you guys have chosen…God Bless
Joanne and Steve
Looks great! Hope all goes well with the land! Do you have house plans yet? If so, how many square feet are you going to tackle. And how will it only take 6 months?
In 6 months we hope to have maybe a barn built with a primitive apartment loft, a yurt, something along those lines. I guess our motivation to have that done in 6 months will depend on how comfortable (or uncomfortable) we are in the trailer. No house plans yet as we need time to study the property, and then time to gather materials. So building a house probably won’t start for a couple of years at least…
Yo Tylene! We’ve been working out plans for a timber frame hybrid (uses both timber frame and stick built elements) 24 x 36 two story barndominum (yep, that’s a thing, google it!). It’s a large open floor shop for working on timbers, homestead things and secure storage of vehicles, solar things, root cellar, wood heating etc. The upper level when finished with be an 864 sq ft apartment. Likely a single bedroom, but we’re looking at possibly building a taller truss system that would allow for a loft. Our local planning and zoning just passed an ordinance that increased the size of an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) to 1065 sq ft from 965. Sort of comical as there aren’t any building codes so it’s not enforced. I can’t understand how this even matters, but it is what it is. Should be a great learning experience building a fairly basic timber frame and then we can hopefully use more advanced techniques when we move onto building a home.
My husband and I desire to do the very same thing. Buy a t.v. and live in it, on the chosen land until our log home is built. We will very soon be empty nesters as daughter #4 goes off to University. My husband wants to live closer to his job yet on private woodsy land with a fresh water creek on the property. Hmm, King county in WA is expensive. It will take a miracle from God to help us find property that we can afford & desire. My husband worries that it all will cost more then our low income can afford so he is hesitating with it all. How do we find this land we want? What do you do with toilet waste from the rv ? Until a septic tank can be put in? How much do those cost? Can we afford to build a log home? We have so many questions. How do we Learn about the local rules?
Alyssa and Jesse,
That was a great video with a sensible approach! If and when I can retire, I’d love to come up there and give you some free labor. Perhaps lay out a solar farm to get you some juice!
Love, Daddy
Bring some electrical tape, volt meter and elbow grease, we’re gonna need it! ๐ It’ll be fun to have you and Sue visit!
I just came across your blog right now and I have to say, I am very jealous of your trailer! Ours is much older and outdated. Slightly larger, but with 2 dogs, a cat, and a kid… it’s pretty cramped! we’re hanging out in this motorhome until we have enough $$ for our land/cabin. No real time frame, but the sooner the better! Is the land yours yet??
Wow, that does sound like a cozy fit! We have a couple of Bengal cats but they like to be outside for the most part. That’s awesome to hear that you’re doing the same thing and it sounds like you’re surviving at least! The land isn’t ours yet, but we sent off our closing paperwork and a cashier’s check yesterday, overnight, so it may be ours officially within the next couple of days. And shortly after that we’ll hit the road… after we get a business sold!
Hey if you can’t build out, don’t forget to build up! ๐ Hope you get your $$ for land soon Nicole. Have you looked at an owner carry option? Usually can get into a property for next to nothing down and very favorable terms with no credit. Just a suggestion!
Great find on that trailer! I’ve bought many over the years and you stole that one…, ha, ha. My Wife and I are looking to do the same but have to wait until all my surgeries and over with and I recover. Will be tagging along with you guys to see how it goes…. Best of luck…….
We are pretty happy with the find… hence why we jumped on it so quick despite not having our land yet. I wish you a speedy discovery with your upcoming surgeries and hopefully you will be started on your journey soon enough ๐
God Speed on your surgery and recovery Jim!
I think it’s a great plan! We bought a 33ft trailer last year to live in along with our two children (aged 8 and 1 at the time) while we built our house. We found it on Craigslist for $2000 and spent about $500 renovating it (it’s almost as old as we are!). We moved into it on our property and were looking forward to living there for several years as we saved money to build our house debt free. Yes, several YEARS and yes, we were actually looking forward to it! But just two months later however, we had a family emergency and had to move out of state. We are still working on building our house (long distance), but it’s not looking like we’ll ever get the opportunity to live in our trailer long term like we had dreamed about.
I’m sorry to hear that you had a family emergency Maridy, sometimes life throws at us something other than we we planned for. That’s great you are still able to build your home. We have no idea if this will work out for us long-term… in a perfect world, we would have an apartment build within 6-12 months but I suppose we will find out with time. It does seem that a travel trailer can be pretty cozy, especially if it is protected from the elements and you have a little extra storage space. We like our trailer so far more than we liked the house we were renting! Maybe life will throw the opportunity at you again to live in your travel trailer? Or maybe you will just get to go straight for the house!
Nothing wrong with being “trailer trash” we are and love it. Most people we meet are really positive about our crazy lifestyle. someday we’ll settle down and start our own little homestead, but until then it’s happy trails for me!
It’s all about starting where we can, right? There is definitely a “trailer trash” stereotype, but as with most anything, it is just one way to do things and there are many good factors about it, and it’s far from trashy in my opinion. The other option is jumping straight into a 30 year mortgage and paying WAY too much for our house. I’d rather own my house in 5 years instead of 30 and pay 1/5 of the cost.
My husband and I are digital marketers too. We almost bought a 44 acre farm last month to homestead on, but at the last minute, we decided we wanted to travel before we settle down anywhere. Us and our 2 toddlers will be moving into a 2-bedroom, 35 foot 5th wheel trailer next month.
After going through the process of qualifying for a mortgage on the homestead, we have also decided that we would rather save up as much money as possible to buy our future home with cash. Mortgages really are a complete scam. Since we are in control of our own income, and our jobs are not location dependent, we decided that we there is no reason for us to be like everyone else and get stuck with a 30 year mortgage. We would have paid about $250,000 in interest over the 30 year term for the property we were looking at! On principle alone, we were not ok with that.
Our family/friends do think we’re a bit crazy, but I don’t think they consider it “trashy.” If anything, they are probably a bit jealous. We have financial freedom, and now we will have freedom of mobility.
Congratulations! Its really nice and inspiring to see other young people like us living outside the box. It can be a struggle for us at our young age to connect with others who view life in the same way we do. Its not anyone’s fault, its just that digital marketing gives you a freedom that anyone with a standard 9-5 just can’t even comprehend. Good luck!
Hey Brittany, that is so awesome! I checked out your blog, read through your Q&As, and love it! Sounds like we have a similar story and are on a similar journey. I even lived in the Boulder/Denver area for about 9 months in 2013/2014. It was beautiful but I was downsized to an apartment that I was paying $1,100/month for, commuting to my job in my brand new car, and despite making close to $50,000/year I didn’t have much leftover due to living the city lifestyle!
So it looks like you were thinking of settling down in Tennessee? What areas of the country are you interested in traveling to… or maybe you want to see just tons in general? The options are limitless!
It’s amazing how it feels to have financial freedom and freedom of mobility… suddenly it makes living in a small space not seem all that bad. I think all of this material stuff we are all attached to is compensation for how terrible many people feel on the inside because they have no freedom at all. I wish you and your husband the best of luck! I followed your Facebook page to keep up with your journey ๐
Hello, I am very pleased to read your blog.
My wife, my two children and I are going to live off the grid. We are from Argentina, South America. I love to find another partner who is doing the same. We are defining the buying land in the province of Cordoba where we build an Earthship.
We also buy a trailer to live some time.
Congratulations and good luck.
PD: excuse my English
Hey Carlos, sounds like you have an exciting journey ahead of you! Sounds like a huge move from Argentina to Cordoba. Do you find that buying land out of the country is easy or difficult? We entertained the idea but it seemed that A LOT more homework would be involved and we didn’t want to leave our family behind. I’ve been hearing a lot about earthships so we will need to research them for sure. They sound like an awesome idea. Best of luck to you and your family!
You guys are so inspiring me. I own and operate a tiny one person business (me!) so I have that freedom yet something is missing. I yearn to get out of the city (Denver) and to breathe. I want space and this may be the way to go. A mortgage is just crazy and theft in my opinion. Why give my hard-earned money to the bankers? Buying an RV/TT is very smart and you can save the money to spend on what you want. Got me thinking now…
The fact that you are self employed is a great start! Is your work loaction-dependent on Denver? I agreed that mortgages are criminal. The reworded even means “to the death”, come on now! I was living in Broomfield for a while and the cost of homes were outrageous. Not only that, but between the mortgage payments ands two new cars, all homes seemed to only function on a two-person income. I personally was paying $1,100 in rent fora 600sqft apartment. Let us know if you need any ideas! We are really blogging in hopes to help others bridge the gap from cubicle life to homestead life and freedom.
Ya’ll are doing exactly what my wife and I have been talking about for the last couple of years. We are both teachers, but are looking to get out of the hectic lifestyle. We were looking at setting out on our adventure in the summer of 2017, but ya’ll have inspired us to try to make it happen sooner. We are traveling to Alaska for a month long trip in July 2016 and felt like we might need another year to prepare. After discussing the possibilities, we think it would be better to be where we want to be sooner, even if we have to work a regular job at our new location for a while to get what we need there. We have watched your Youtube videos and look forward to hearing your progress. Todd and Mary Milton
That’s awesome that you’ve started thinking about your journey! We were in the same boat… we decided that it would be best to get to the location where we wanted to be and do whatever we needed to do to make it happen. We were 12 hours away from our target location and if land didn’t work out when it did, we would have moved within an hour of the area into an apartment temporarily. We’re going to share a lot of tips on things we wish we would have done prior to our move as we feel we could have prepared at least a year in advance on some things! Only you and your spouse will know when the time is right. Sometimes you just get that gut feeling when it’s time to pack up your bags, whether it’s sooner or later ๐ Hope you find some stuff on our blog useful to your transition!
I’m so envious of yall!! ๐ Yall are living my dream. I fully hope to do practally the samething, my only difference is my main home/living space I’m going to build by welding together 2 to 4 very big shipping containers and burring them underground as not to be a bunker, but more as just to be out of sight. I will build a barn and root celler, and a dedicated shed for generators which I also plan on building mostly underground for noise suppression. But I will have my home deep enough to where I can even put my garden on top of it if I wanted, and if SHTF, I will have it prepared to be sealed air tight with doors you would need tanks or explosives to get through once they were sealed. With an airlock, ventilation periscopes and CCTV to see whats going on “Upstairs” and be able to maintain and live comfortably for a couple months if necessary without having to unseal the doors. Pretty much, no one will be able to wait me out if that was their goal. and it will be perfect in, god forbid, a nuclear event, or chem/bio event, martial law or civil unrest. I plan on having 5 to 10 acres, like yalls id like some of it to be hillside, most of it to be wooded so I could use the timber from clearing the brush for construction. Still don’t quite know where I want this lad to be located. I’m thinking in the Texas Hill Country so far (Central and West Texas before you get to the desert, most likely east, southeast of Austin, as it is such gorgeous land, I love the vegetation, and its the only part of Texas that has rolling hills (Being a Texan, I’m not in a hurry to leave Texas lol) Yall have given me such great information on how to go about beginning this dream and ive learned so much “Tricks of the Trade” if you will, from yalls videos and blogs. I, from now on, will exclusively be using your Amazon link and supporting yalls adventure in anyway I can in return for the awesome knowledge yall have given and allowing me to live vicariously through yall until I can make that dream my reality one day. Let me know if theres anything at all I can do to help, if you ever need webmasters, or possibly a forum host down the line, as too am transitioning to digitizing my income and making it to where I don’t only make as much money as hours I work. Keep up the dream yall, great job and again id love to help in anyway I can. I’m very well versed in most bushcraft skills too if that may help for any reason. Thanks again guys!
Hey Jeff! First, WOW, what a plan! Have you started collecting materials for this home yet? Where are you at in your journey? We recently picked up materials from a guy that bought a property from people that moved up to the area in preparation for Y2K, so it had a full bunker and all. He stored his leftover building materials in the bunker so we got to go in to fish them out… I don’t think they finished the bunker, but they also had a separate bunker that stored the generators… pretty cool! I don’t know that they ever “finished” their property before it was sold. Sounds like a fun project to put it all together… are you planning on blogging about it at all? I’m sure lots of folks would be curious to follow along to see how you do it!
Second, thanks so much for supporting our blog, it means a lot to us and helps us to continue to pump out the documentation! So far we have our websites under control (all 100 of them lol) but good to know that we can reach out for help! Great choice to digitize your income… it has helped us a lot in being able to take this journey but it’s an ongoing process, combined with trying to reduce the need for money as much as possible. It’s a challenge at times we but we love doing it… there are so many ways to make money online with a little creativity, especially when you consult your inner entrepreneur! Working dollars for hours sucks… we all do it at some point or another, but time is something we can’t get more of and putting a small hourly rate to our time is almost insulting. I don’t think anyone’s time is really worth $5/hour (after taxes for some people!) but it’s all most people know and have been trained to do.
Glad you are finding our blog useful! Let us know if you have any questions or anything that you’d like further elaboration on. We have lots of blog posts in mind that may be useful to people starting their journey but try to balance that with current happenings on the homestead, and working on other projects as well.
Take care Jeff and keep in touch! Keep us posted on your progress!
I have always enjoyed going camping with my family. So now that I am older, I want to get my own trailer to go camping. I think camping in trailers gives you the best of both worlds, a nice comfortable place to sleep, and a great place to play outside.
I agree!
My husband Phillip and I bought 107 acres just east of Nashville Tn. and are in the process of moving our horses, cows and dog there. We were having a hard time finding an acceptable trailer on Craig’s list as well so Phillip started watching eBay. There was an RV dealer in Rockville Ill that had taken a 31 foot Jayco Eagle as a trade in. They inspected all systems, put on new tires and detailed it inside and out. It was listed on their website for around 12k. When it didn’t sell they posted it on eBay. We bid $3,550 and won the auction. This lovely trailer is going to make a cozy home for us while we build our log home. I would totally recommend eBay and/or contacting RV dealers to see what they have taken in trade.
Wow Lisa, that is awesome and good to know! Sounds like you got a great deal. If I could “pin” this comment to the top I would… that sounds like some golden knowledge. I hope others read this comment. eBay has always intimidated me for some reason but I know it’s possible to get great deals through there as you have done. That’s also an interesting suggestion to see what RV dealers ave taken in through trade… wouldn’t have thought to ask about that. Best of luck to you and your husband! Sounds like an exciting journey and that you’re not far behind us!
I do recommend the yurt! We lived in one and loved it so much we are currently trying to find land here in Colorado to build one for ourselves. They take a day to a long weekend to construct (depending on how many friends you have helping) plus finishing the inside. Our adventure was how I stumbled upon your blog. I know we can build something amazing and self sustaining on our meager budget. I kept telling him that living in a travel trailer for the short time we will be constructing the yurt is a realistic idea so it will be nice to show him this. ๐ Good luck on your journey.
I’m kina coming to this late, but am very intrigued and admiring of you!
I currently inherited a split-level home (it’s the devil’s architecture, imo) but it was where my folks retired to, and the only home my daughter (now 21) associates with her grandparents.
I want to be a homesteader…I really do. But I pretty much forget to water the yard, and I don’t know how to grow anything but weeds (but hey, I recently learned that most of the weeds in my back yard are edible!)
I have an in-ground pool that my husband and I rarely use….
And so we are feeling done with this house. We have a fairly large mortgage on it currently, and it needs some work to be salable.
The idea of buying land and building is very appealing. We have dogs, we would rather live near trees/forest/river outside of the small city we’re in.
I’m not sure we could live in a trailer though. I would love it I think but I have a lot of heirlooms (chairs, antiques) that have value and sentimentality. And we have large dogs, which would make a trailer very crowded.
But still…the idea is intriguing. I bet we could get land and a trailer and be mortgage free, and save up to build….and I could learn how to grow food and keep chickens…right?
Hi! I just want to ask on how did you find the land that you bought? I’m seeing a lot of for sale land at craigslist & ebay for few thousands of $$$ but we are not sure if these are real deals. We would like to buy a buildable land too & put a tiny house. Please advice. Thank you!
We used a realtor in the area (a local with a lot of contacts) but in the end, we found ours on Craigslist! I think it’s good to be wary when finding land through such platforms but I say if you do your homework and nothing is fishy, it’s probably legit!