If you've heard of cover crops, you probably think about things that farmers with numerous acres plant to protect and improve their soil... but did know you know that cover crops can be a great method for small gardeners (even urban gardeners!) to improve soil fertility?! In … [Read more...]
Composting 101 – How to Start a Compost Pile
The first year living on our off grid property we didn't plan on having a garden because we simply had too many other more important projects. That said, because we do want a garden in the near future, we figured that we should start composting now! In this post we want to go … [Read more...]
Our Simple Approach to Starting Our Garden
When people think about homesteading, one of the first things they picture is a big garden. Producing one's own food is so intrinsically tied to self-sufficiency it's hard to to have one without the other. However, starting a garden can be really intimidating for a lot of people … [Read more...]
Improving Clay Soil: Five Steps We’re Taking to Prepare for Planting
Gardening isn't a topic we've really discussed yet, but we thought that we would introduce it on our blog today because spring is in the air, and we think we'd like to start a garden this year after all! In this post, we'd like to share how we're getting started with the progress … [Read more...]