This post is a little different than our normal posts, but many of you have asked about our homemade root beer recipe so we thought we'd share! Jesse and I have been enjoying addicted to root beer the past few months so since we've been on a food prep spree involving foraging in … [Read more...]
The Day of Canned Apricots & Apricot Initiation
Many of you that have been following us on our Facebook page know that ever since I got back from my LA trip two weeks ago, we've been foraging for food NON-STOP. We've canned many types of fruits so far, but today was Apricot day, and it's a memorable day to share with you … [Read more...]
How to Make Delicious Thimbleberry Jam
The past week or two, Jesse and I have been indulging in a new activity - foraging in the forest for wild, edible plants and food! One of the things we've come across that we had NO IDEA was edible is the thimbleberry, and we want to share with you this delicious thimbleberry jam … [Read more...]
Easy-to-Make Homemade Cat Food Recipe
Today I am going to share the recipe I use for raw, homemade cat food. I have been making my own cat food for over five years now (the lifetime of my cats) and they seem to thrive on it. It also is surprisingly affordable if your other options are a high-quality kibble or … [Read more...]
Orange, Carrot, Lemon Ginger Juice
Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that can help keep your immune system strong not only in winter, but any time of the year. I go through phases with juicing, as well as phases of drinking this apple cider vinegar detox drink. I … [Read more...]