We first arrived on our land in September of 2015 and even though it was technically still summer, winter wasn't far away. Despite our plans of having a timber frame barn built and dried in by the time winter arrived, we quickly realized that it was too lofty of a goal to achieve … [Read more...]
The Day We Moved to Our Off-Grid Property: Emotions We Won’t Soon Forget
There are moments in life when you have to commit 100% and there is no going back. It's like that moment when your heart is racing as you're standing on the edge of the cliff and you worked hard to get up there, but you're hesitant to jump because once you start, you can't stop … [Read more...]
First Year Off Grid Living in an RV: Our Water Solution
One very common question that is raised when discussing our our off grid journey is "What are you doing for water?" This topic conjures fear, or at least anxiety, in many people unless you've done this before, and for good reason! We need water to survive and can only go a few … [Read more...]
Living on Our Land: Week 1
Well, after planning and working our butts off for the past two years, we finally made it to our newly purchased land in Idaho! We've been living on our land for exactly one week now and we're happy to report that we couldn't be happier. We will be writing blog posts on … [Read more...]
RV Deck Plans + Platform for Our Portable RV Garage
We've been living on our land in Idaho for one week now and are happy to report that we are loving it! We've been making small improvements to our land and trailer to increase our standard of living incrementally, and our first project entailed building a deck for our trailer and … [Read more...]