One thing we have learned since beginning our off grid homesteading adventure is that a lot of people don’t have an accurate idea of what we are doing. We are constantly faced with “well meaning critics“. When people think of “going off the grid” they think of big, dirty mountain men living in the middle of nowhere, completely detached from society and wearing nothing but camo! We want to share with you what it’s actually like to be off grid as a female, how it differs slightly from being a man, and some tips to make the lifestyle a little more comfortable for a woman.
Cleanliness: Off grid doesn’t mean dirty.
The first thing we want to address is the topic of cleanliness. We think the idea that going off grid needs to be dirty and gross is a complete misconception. In most cases, you don’t have to sacrifice all the comforts of home to go off grid, you just have to provide for them in a slightly different way.

Actually, we think a lot of people who live ON GRID are way more disgusting than us off-griders. Let’s be clear: off grid living does not make you a pig.

For me, (probably most people) getting clean is very important. I’m perfectly fine getting dirty all day working, but when the day ends I want to be able to shower. Even living in a travel trailer, our lifestyle can provide that. This is what we’re doing to bring in more than enough water for us both to shower daily.
Because you’re curious… women, periods, and off grid living.
When we asked other woman what concerns them about going off grid, a lot of them mentioned staying sanitary during their periods.

MEN… if even reading about this topic seems like too much information for you, you might need to rethink the off grid lifestyle. If you truly want to start homesteading or living off grid, periods are the least of all your worries and if they freak you out, you won’t be able to handle the other things that this lifestyle will throw your way.
Our experience has shown that there is a lot of misinformation out there about how homesteaders can take care of their periods, especially if they want to have fewer products in their lives.

One great option is a menstrual cup, a medical grade silicone cup that can be worn in the body like a tampon.
One of the brands I use is a Lily Cup. It’s small, fits in a cute little travel case, can be put into your body before you get your period, and unlike tampons, carries no risk of toxic shock syndrome. The best part is that menstrual cups cost around $40 can last for around ten years. When you think about all the sanitary products you won’t have to buy, that’s a major savings!

Most cups come in two sizes, one for women that haven’t given birth (or have given birth via c-section), and one for those that have.
The Lily Cup Compact is great if you want something extremely discrete but is ideal for light / medium flows, and I would recommend the Diva Cup for something less discrete, but it is a little sturdier which can make insertion easier, and it’s also great for heavy flows as well.
When I first heart of menstrual cups, I thought it sounded gross, but it’s really not. Whether you live on or off grid, if you haven’t yet tried these out, you should sometime! Every woman I know that has tried them loves them and say they will never go back to using pads or tampons (myself included).
Staying comfortable, especially as a woman.
We won’t lie to you – off grid living isn’t always sexy (especially times like this when your temporary home is almost obliterated by a windstorm). We made that pretty obvious when we bought a 19′ trailer to live in.
Everything in our lives has changed in one way or another since moving to our land. We have less space to live and work in and everyday tasks take more effort. Projects like getting propane, gas, running water, or even curling my hair all take some careful planning to make them work. We have to dress warmer in winter. However (and this is important) we work hard to make sure we don’t live in TOO much discomfort.

If you want your relationship to not have friction you can only deal with so much discomfort on a given day. In fact, too much discomfort is likely to make someone want to quit the off grid journey altogether. So off grid men, take note: if you want a female partner to enjoy living off grid with you, keeping the house clean will make a big difference!

Work expectations from women (especially when it requires large amounts of muscle).
While many men and women are capable of doing the same things, it’s important to realize that women may struggle with some of the physically demanding tasks of living off grid. Obviously, Jesse is bigger and stronger than me and therefor, can do many tasks with less effort. I have to work a little bit harder to drag and lift big things around.

For us, Jesse works hard to adapt some tasks around the property so that I can manage on my own if necessary. These kind of precautions are absolutely necessary because working outside all day can be dangerous and accidents do happen. I pull my own weight around the property and know enough to be self sufficient if necessary.

For example, we bought a generator that I can lift, I can fetch and fill up our water supply, I can carry and refill our propane tanks, and I know how to use just about everything in our homesteading tool kit, many of the things which exist so that we don’t have to expend so much physical energy.

Don’t be afraid to have reasonable expectations and try new things.
Our final advice to you all? Be flexible with your expectations and be willing to try new things!
We do think that living off grid is possible for both men and women, especially as a pair, but both genders need to have reasonable expectations. Men need to acknowledge that certain tasks may be more difficult for women, and that many women have higher desired levels of comfort. Women also need to keep expectations reasonable and know that they may need to let go of some of the comforts they are accustomed to, just to give the off grid lifestyle a chance.

So let’s all be reasonable, try new things and not be afraid to step out of our comfort zones! We would love to hear your thoughts on the subject matter whether you’re a man or a woman. How do you feel things differ for the genders (especially woman) as it pertains to this lifestyle?
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I love watching you guys chase this dream, keep doing what you’re doing!
I just have to say I hope the propane tank isn’t still kept indoors, pushed against a lead acid battery connected to a bunch of shaky clamps!
LOVE that you are putting a generator (?) in the back of your truck in a dress! Love it! and this blog/journey! Thanks
Hahaha, I have people say sometimes “I didn’t know you wore dresses!” I definitely do, but you can see that they don’t really lend well to this lifestyle as dresses + flip flops aren’t very practical. A generator drop to the toe would hurt. I don’t really advise anyone make a habit out of moving generators in such a manner! To be fair, that was taken before we moved to Idaho so I REALLY didn’t know how to dress for practicality!
I love this! I can’t relate with living off-grid, since I don’t…but the women’s cycle issues totally relate while camping, hiking, etc! I have used the Diva Cup for over six months now (and have already saved more than I spent on the initial investment). It’s totally comfortable and actually can help improve symptoms that come with that lovely time of month (as well as shorten cycle time…bonus!). Thanks for all the great info for the ladies!!
Yayy, so happy to hear you do the same thing! I didn’t know that cups could shorten your cycle and don’t think I paid attention to my cycle AT ALL before I used a cup (or tracked my fertility but that’s another topic)…. but yes. Awesome!
I have a question about the menstrual cups, how do you deal with them in public? All I can picture is a mess in a public bathroom and probably something that reminds me of the movie Carrie.
In fact it is this one reason, public bathrooms, is the only reason I haven’t tried them yet.
GREAT QUESTION! To be honest, I’m not very stoked about the idea of emptying the cup in a public restroom. If it’s a private bathroom, it’s totally fine as you can empty the cup, wash it out, and put it back in, all with 100% privacy. I personally have never had a mess… I think if you try it in your home first, you’ll get a feel for the cup and how to pull it out safely. You’re extra safe if you don’t let the cup get filled to the top! If, however, you aren’t fortunate enough to find a private restroom and are stuck in a stall, then you need to either get creative or tell women to GET OVER IT because we all have periods. You can dump it out and stick it back in (not extremely clean but wipe your hands off on toilet paper and you’re fine until you can wash them) or, maybe wrap it in toilet paper and transport it to the sink to give it a quick wash. This is annoying because you have to exit the stall and if you’re in a busy bathroom, this just isn’t convenient and some woman may not know what you’re doing. I have yet to find myself in an awkward situation with the cup because I’m home most of the time and when I’m in public, I can often pick the bathroom I use and you can really plan your timing well. On my heaviest days, I think the cup has filled to the top in about 4 hours or so, but you can empty it sooner than that if you want, and most days I can leave it in for 8+ hours before emptying it…. so you can see how you might be able to time it so that you’re not stuck in a terrible restroom. Hope this is helpful to you or others!
I just read your post. I’ve used a menstral cup for over a year now. My solution to a public restroom is to keep a washcloth in a sandwich bag. I just wet the washcloth before going in the stall. Once I wipe out the cup, the wash cloth gets sealed in the bag until I get home or somewhere else that I can rinse it out. There is also a product called a wet bag specifically made for carrying soiled washcloths or cloth pads that keeps any odor to a minimum. And yes, I put it in my purse.
That’s a great idea Karen! I truly have done an awesome job avoiding this situation but that’s handy! Or I’ve wrapped it in in toilet paper and have tried to discretely wash it in the sink… but I like your idea better. I also don’t carry a purse but many women do so hopefully some read your tip!
I’ve used my cup for years now (and am another one who will never go back!). My flow is lighter so I can go 12+ hours without emptying if needed (not ideal, but it happens). I have done the empty-insert-wipe hands (and wash hands afterwards obviously) routine a couple of times in a public restroom, and it’s not a big deal. You could bring some wipes for your hands (I know, a bit wasteful) for the occasional public restroom change. And yes, definitely get comfortable emptying it at home before trying out and about…it’s just easier. I also often bring a cloth pad or two and a pair of underwear in case I have a mishap or mess that I’d rather deal with at home.
I’ve been using the Diva Cup for about six years. I absolutely LOVE it! I’ve competed in triathlons, traveled around Mexico, and gone camping while using it. Public restrooms are not a problem. Simply dump it out, wipe it with toilet paper and reinsert. Easy peasy! Yes, it is a bit messy at times, however, even in Mexico (away from tourist resorts), I was able to wash my hands in a sink. I really do believe it is the best investment a woman can make. I don’t have boxes and bags of feminine products on my shelves any longer. My septic system and dump are thankful.
Thanks for this post. My family is planning our off-grid home, and monthly hygiene was something that had come up as a concern. I’ll be happy to report that other women handle it well off-grid. I’ll be happy to read through the rest of your blog. =)
A very straight forward plan to getting t off the grid. One of the best blogs that I have come across. I will stay tuned in Thank you.
Glad you enjoy it Frank, thanks for the comment!
How do ya’ll afford all of this? I get savings but there has to be some kind of small income to help fund new toys and such. Anyway you can tell us more about that?
We fund it a few ways, and yes it has been a lot of money so far, but not nearly as much as buying a house with a mortgage payment that isn’t built to last. We’ve built a few websites that earn money completely on their own and they pay us every month whether or not we work. This isn’t a ton of money but results in a few thousand a month. Don’t let that fool you though – we worked 90 hours a week EACH for about nine months to get it to the point where it is now, AND we invested A LOT of money into the websites. We have an annuity from the sale of Jesse’s business. We have monthly income from a rental unit in another state. We did have a decent chunk of cash to move with ($8k in savings, $14k from the sale of a car, $10k from the sale of the business) which really helped fund the beginning of the project. We also take on a small number of clients for business consulting. Also, we hope to sell off a couple of our websites within the next year as well as sell the rental unit, so we hope that those things can give us enough cash to pay off our land + any debt… so in a nutshell, we try to invest our time and money in things that make us money passively, we try to invest money wisely, and we try to make our income fit our life! We also don’t spend money on garbage or luxuries we don’t really need. Needless to say, we juggle a lot, but it works for us!
I always enjoy your trials and tribulations!
Love this!!! That Lilly cup is ingenious!! Talk about saving money!!! Thank you
You’re welcome!
I have really enjoyed reading about your off grid living experience. As a woman, I found some of your points very logical and quite interesting, especially the one about the Lily Cup and the propane tank. I mean, when it comes to the tank, I probably couldn’t lift a very large one and so I think that it is very logical to have smaller ones that allow you to lift them on your own. However, what exactly do you use propane for out there on your land? Of course, I would suppose that you use them for cooking, but I would be interested in seeing other ways that you might use them.
Glad you enjoyed the post and video! We use propane for cooking, heat, and our refrigerator. On a warm month (not running the heat at all), 10 gallons of propane may last us a month, give or take. That’s it for propane usage!
Thanks for another wonderful video. Would love your thoughts on a woman going off grid alone. What do you think? Not afraid of hard work, but safety concerns. Truth is, many men are not interested in this lifestyle. But I am.
Thank you!
That’s a great question Emma and something I frequently ponder as I know many women are in the same boat! I have a few thoughts on the matter. First, I personally may want to be in a small community where I can get to know my neighbors so that I would have some folks on speed dial and could back me up if I need it, or simply keep an eye on the property to know if something fishy is going on (depending on how far off the beaten path you are). I would design things so that you can manage them on your own as we have done, and also know how to defend yourself and ask questions. We try to be proactive when it comes to defending our property rather than reactive. We are incredibly alert to who passes by our house and keep an eye out for anything unusual (like people parked outside of our house for an unusual amount of time). Just the basics of knowing who is around your land or home! I don’t think it’s too different from a man protecting his property, but I do feel better knowing I have a man with me as I’m not sure how many crazies that may keep away on that fact alone. Basically, I think a woman is completely capable of protecting herself, but I don’t think that you can be a total push over and you need to show people that you’re serious about your self-protection. I don’t think that this means waving a gun around in everyone’s face, but just learning about how to be pro-active about your security! I feel that I’m rambling… these are just theories I have. Would love to hear others’ thoughts on the matter – especially woman that live this type of lifestyle alone, or at least have their partners leave for periods of time.
Situational awareness is key. Having a guardian animal helps – I have a “scary” GSD. Fluffy marshmallow to me, makes the UPS piss himself. 🙂
Geese are also surprisingly good guardians. They are alert, can be noisy, and very mean to intruders lol
So inspiring. I just need to find a partner with similar vision as you guys!! I have always cherished simple living and the great outdoors. Now I am trapped in living a stress filled life week to week 🙁
Thanks for the great video 🙂
Your kindred spirit,
I think it’s great you guys have been able to start your dream. Having my own homestead has been my retirement dream for years. But with the day to day work kids and stress, I loss track. My plan is to move to an area I plan to settle in next year, scout the area and then buy my own land to start my new beginning. Good luck to you guys and I will be watching your journey.
What fun it is to read along on your journey. Not sure it’s the life for me, but I do enjoy watching your progress in “real-time” :). You’ve mentioned before that you are hoping to start a family in the not-too-distant future… have you thought about how you will balance pregnancy with work on the homestead, much of which seems very labor intensive?
Glad you like watching our progress! Yes, this lifestyle is certainly not for everyone but that’s totally okay, we like sharing with anyone who is curious! Yes we’ve pondered how pregnancy and having children (especially small children) would change things on the homestead. Right now, I think that starting a family would slow us down quite a bit although I’m confident I would try to keep up and juggle responsibilities to the best of my ability, including doing a fair amount of labor so long as I didn’t feel it put my body or a baby at risk. That said, we’d really like to wait until maybe the bulk work of our barn is done… then, we have a permanent shelter (the traditional house will be a luxury that we don’t assume we will start for 5+ years), water, maybe our land paid off, low financial overhead, and switching gears a bit or changing our pace would be more welcomed. We would love to build the house house with children and think that would be a great life experience for them! Of course, these are all just ideas, I don’t really know the reality of having a baby or being pregnant in this type of lifestyle – would love to hear from other woman that have experience with this!
Yes, I’d be curious how others balanced that too, because it does seem like so many tasks involve heavy lifting, etc. Anyway, thanks for the response! Keep up the interesting posts so those of us like me can live a little bit vicariously through your adventure, and I hope you find what you are looking for through your lifestyle change! Looking forward to the next update!
Hi. I would like to say that i just LOVE your blog. I am from South AFrica and I would love to live like you do. We are farmers and pretty much are a do it your self family. I only have 1 question. How do you keep the finances down and are you doing the whole plant my own garden thing?
Farming in SA is very tough, so i am just wondering how you guys survive the way you live.
I would love to live totaly off the grid.
thanks for a great blog.
Hey Geraldine, hello to South Africa! Love to hear that you’re a farming, DIY family! We work hard to keep our finances down by basically only spending money on things that help us on our journey rather than frivolous expenses (we don’t buy new clothes unless there is a specific purpose for them, don’t go on fancy vacations, don’t go to the bar every weekend, don’t go to the movies, etc.). We also try to make wise investments and often steer clear of buying anything new… that way, we can sell it if we need to for what we bought it for if not more. And yes, we’re trying to plant our own garden – we’ll see how it goes the first year! Hope this is helpful… check out our expense reports if you haven’t yet for a better peak under the hood at our finances! Link here:
I just love how transparent you are you and your blog are really likeable,and this transparency is even there with “support the blog” idea instead of gimmicks, ebooks and advertising that people usually employ ,its so refreshing.Strangely I had just written down all the books i needed to buy on amazon and then i came across your blog ,i will definately be purchasing them all from the link.
Just loved your blog and have wanted a cabin/simple life my entire life.
Glad you like our transparency! We do hope to remain ad-free and get mixed feedback on our “support the blog” section/button but we are transparent and it is true that maintaining our blog takes real time (and quite a bit of money as well). There are a lot of ways to say “thank you” to blogs we all enjoy that don’t entail spending money, so we are appreciative for anyone that shows their appreciation in any way they can so that we can continue to share our lifestyle! Yes, there is a lot of peace in the idea of living simply in a cabin in the woods. Of course, there are perceived negatives about that simplicity as well (like giving up some luxuries we are all used to), but we’ve enjoyed the journey of the transition and are becoming happier every day! Thanks again for your site, and hope you end up with some awesome books! That reminds me that I need to order one, hehe!
Wow, hard to believe but it has been almost 15 years since I purchased my 80 acres and had a recycled 900 sf cabin moved to it, set up a solar wind hybrid electric system based on 12volts. My intention was to leave the high stress high tech job and live simple off grid. Best intentions don’t always happen as planned. I got married and have been living on spouse time. My husband is now ready to retire to a simpler life and wants to start working on moving to the the Cabin. I am in need of some inspiration, re-ignition of my desire for that. I am glad to have found your blog and that you are sharing the woman’s perspective. I am now almost 60 and what seemed so easy 15 years ago…now …not so much. Dropping the wind tower, only a 12volt power system. hauling water… driving dirt roads… Plus side, it is a tight cozy cabin, we have flushing toilets , light to read by, peace, wildlife, views to die for.
I don’t understand… Living off the grid doesn’t include propane?
Living off the grid is living without money. It seems to be your still paying for a hotspot for internet, and you need money to support your “offgrid” living. Your not truly off grid right?
What do you need propane for anyway? You can cook with fire.
Living off grid means different things to different people. To us, it means we’re not connected to the power grid but the goal is to not really be dependent on anyone other than ourselves, but it doesn’t happen overnight… it’s a journey!
I know it’s unrelated to this post but what are you guys going to do to keep cool this summer? Are you going to keep the carport/rv cover up to try to get shade? We are in central wa and the last two summers have been horrible. I’ve tried a tarp to get shade, homemade air conditioners, wet blankets with a fan. This year I’m going to “paint” the rv roof white. I am dreading summer.
Yea, the last couple of summers have been SO HOT! We’re not sure what we’ll do yet but already, we’ve had points where it’s too hot to be in the RV during the day. We actually are leaving our insulation in the carport because it does seem to be keeping it cool which is a plus, but we may have to get creative. We may need to rig up some sort of A/C but not sure what our options will be. Fingers crossed at this point that it won’t be that bad, lol!
I have made comments on your blog in the past and I would just like to say you both are awesome.
I once told you I was a little jealous of you being able to do the homesteading thing. I sometimes think I was born a century too late. I love the life style you have chosen. You are a beautiful, loving couple and I think you live the way mankind was meant to live, living off the land, yet not leaving much of a scar behind. Trading for your needs, growing your food and looking for a more wholesome way of life. I hope you both have a blessed life. Thanks for your blog.
I’ve wanted to start a homesteading journey for about 5 years now and I had originally had my sights set on Idaho also. I have noticed a few ties to Oregon pop up in and around your blog/youtube/etc. My question is why did you choose to live in Idaho specifically?
Hey Lindsay! There are lots of reason we chose to leave Oregon. Lots are discussed on our list of homestead criteria here, and Oregon didn’t have many of these things:
In short, there are strict building codes in most areas of Oregon, outrageous permit fees, a large percentage of people that are not interested in self-sustainability in the slightest, I don’t believe the state is extremely homeschool friendly, there are a lot of Californians moving into the state as it’s so close to California, and Idaho had most of what we were looking for (at least more so than Oregon or other states we looked at)!
I love watching you guys!!! You guys are some hard workers and make it look easy!! I would love to get off the grid and have been looking into it! Thank you all your tips and hopefully we create a new type of community off the grid!
Hey Tanya, thanks for the message! We’d love to help you on your journey and yes, hopefully the off grid community will continue growing over time!
I love all of this and Idaho is the place to go off grid! Thank you for all of the information. I linked to your site through Mother Earth News when I was looking for info about homesteading. I purchase regularly through Amazon and have added you so that you can receive a commission, you deserve it! Thank you again!
Welcome to the blog, and glad you’re enjoying what we share! Your support through Amazon means a lot to us! Keep in touch and feel free to get involved on Facebook where we try to share even more, and more real-time!
I was not aware of the use of a cup and I commend you for detailing this here. I did all the other posts first and just read this one today. Now that is knowledge that men should have too because it can explain womens’ need to use a toilet frequently, say when out bushwalking,driving distances etc .
I heartily support it if there is no risk of toxic shock -those reports totally “shocked” me too. My daughters (3) have never mentioned this either so I’m wondering if they know anyhow.
It leaves me with a question though you might be embarrassed to answer , I hope not . How do you know when it is full ? Can it be felt ? Maybe someone else anonymous might answer this for me to avoid any embarrassment .
I didn’t find out about the cup until I was 25… my sister not until she was 27, and my mom not until her mid 50s! It’s definitely not common knowledge at all, but it is becoming more prominent in the “health-conscious” niches because there are no known risks with them as there are with other products… and they’re just downright useful and comfortable. I’m sure many daughters don’t speak of such things with their fathers, but statistically they may not know about the cup! They truly are life savers, for me at least. That’s not an embarrassing question at all… if it’s close to full you can’t tell, but have to instead rely on experience to know when it’s time to rinse it out, maybe 4 hours on a heavier flow day, and as infrequent as every 12-24 hours on principle on a very light day. If it is extremely full or overflowing, it can feel similar to starting your period, so it’s pretty obvious.
love that you guys just making it work. question how do i find a mate to do this with or someone to date that is already doing land based living . i am from northern ontario and dont know anyone doing this
Not sure on that one Chantelle! I know that some people have started off grid singles groups on Facebook, but for us, meeting was just luck, as it was with other off grid couples we know. We had a connection long before this journey began but when we started talking about it, we were both excited to try it out and give it a go, but that’s where some couples differ. I guess it’s maybe about trying to find someone that is willing to try new things and make sacrifices? Of course, both people in the relationship need to be able to make sacrifices and really think about the other’s needs, wants and desires. I know some folks that have had a great success with online dating where they can list in their profile exactly what they are looking for, so that’s one option?
Hi Alyssa, I just watched the YouTube video and it cracked me up. Thank you for being so blunt-and a shout out to Jesse for his “dude, deal with it!” attitude toward women’s hygiene. ‘Bout time!
I served in the Navy construction battalion unit that had not been integrated very long, so at the time women were probably 1 to 10 ratio to men. Talk about off-grid living. I remember talking to an Army artillery tank crewman and asked if there were any women in the tank crew. He said “women can’t be in tank crew!” I asked why, and he said “because you get your periods.” Seriously?!
Thank you for helping bust down the myths, stigma and taboo of women rockin’ it off-grid.
Yay!!! The Lily Cup is exactly what I’ve been looking for ^_^ Thank you so much for this, Alyssa. Interesting enough, I have the opportunity to go travel full time in an RV for a year (or so) with mePops, and we plan to do a lot of boondocking. As long as I can have clean hot water, I should be able to keep the cup sanitized. Otherwise it’s RV park for that time. Thanks again ♡♡
G’day (I just had to open with this)
So love your blog, A&J.
I spent about 8hrs watching your YouTube vids yesterday. Great info and honest tips & points about off-grid living.
I first found your YouTube channel about a year ago when I started seriously thinking about where I want to be in the future and the whole tiny house movement and sustainable off-grid living entered my world. I’m working towards it. But it’s likely to be another couple of years before I can truly think about leaving the city behind and heading back to my rural roots!!
For someone who never wanted to live in the city in the first place, the fact I’ve been in a huge city for coming up to 25yrs now is just sad.
But I’m working towards changing that!!
This older gal is sooo up for still learning new tricks and reducing her footprint!!
Now I have a menstrual question. Ive been using a cup for a few years already so I’m totally cool with it…but I’m curious where you empty it.
I’m still exploring but my plans include a composting toilet in my future – can the products be emptied in there?
How do you avoid stains and keep the bowl clean?
Actually, I just realised you hook your RV up to a septic pump to empty the tank so you’re not using a composting toilet, right?
Maybe you can’t answer this one for me.
Oh well. Just wanted to leave some blog/video love.
Thanks for being so wonderfully open and transparent about off-grid living.
Will support where I can and will keep looking forward to the updates.
Cheers, Miche
PS: sorry for commenting on an older post but I only saw this vid yesterday.